What are charitable trusts?
Charitable trusts are legal organisational structures established to hold and distribute funds as charities. Trusts registered as charities must meet certain legal requirements for registration with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC).
This includes being a not-for-profit organisation, having only charitable purposes intended for the benefit of the public, not having a disqualifying purpose, and not being an individual, political party, or government entity.
The Trust has a legal and compliance obligation to ensure funds received are granted and used for the charitable purpose. This is controlled and verified though the acquittal process.
The Trust must keep operational records that shows how the charity:
- is entitled to be registered as a charity and as its subtype
- meets its obligations under ACNC Act
- meets its obligations under Australian tax law, including Public Ancillary Funds prescribed by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO)
- Is using public funds for Grants, and Acquittals confirming the funds have been spent in accordance with the terms of the grant.